Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Folks, so after a few months, I am back to the future! I took some time off to research and get some new content to hit you all in a new way. The Inner Radiance Movement is in full swing with all new reviews, comments, trends etc. dedicated to all my ladies looking to develop their natural radiance from the inside out (with the occasional not-so-natural natural reviews!).

To get this party jumping, I start off on the topic of stress. Stress is an issue that affects us all, even though many of us may not realize it. If you're anything like me, you rarely have any true time for yourself, to diffuse and collect your thoughts, and whether we realize it or not that level of self-neglect, as unintentional it may be, builds up. Not to mention the cost of attending to oneself can definitely add up - definitely not on most recessionary budgets! So if you're overdue for some stress relief (and I know we all are) and trying to keep to a budget: Spa Week is just the answer to your prayers. For $50 you can indulge in the best and latest treatment from your favorite spa without all the guilt. From pomegranate body scrubs to 50 minute stress melters, Spa Week is definitely calling your name. For more information go to the official Spa Week website, enter your zip code and find out participating Spa locations near you. I must note, I am a little tardy in posting this so check this out quickly, Spa Week ends this Sunday 4/13/09! More Radiance coming your way...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

It's been a minute, but I'm back in the jumpoff!!!! Happy 2009 my Radiant readers.

It's obviously been a while since I've given you all updates and posts, and I'm a little late with the New Years cheer; but fret no more, 2009 brings in a host of new things to come..personally and professionally. I look forward to bringing more wonderful posts on the latest beauty trends with a special focus on helping us all to release our inner radiance naturally. I'm looking to really step up my game with Radiant Girls this year and looking for all the great insight my readers will add. So holla at me yall and everyone have a fabulously Radiant year.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Deepest Deep Pore Cleansing Treatment

I recently began using Health & Beauty Aztec Secret Indian Health Clay. I can truly say I have never had a better at-home facial treatment. This facial clay is made out of 100% Calcium Bentonite. I can definitely see a marked difference in the appearance of my skin. The clay comes in powder form that you mix with either raw apple cider vinegar or water. It only takes about 1 - 2 tablespoons of the clay with equal parts of the liquid. After application your face will begin to pulsate, when I first read that on the bottle I didn't believe it. Five minutes into my facial, pulsation was REAL! It was like a face massage heaven. With so little required to make the mask, you are truly getting a bang for your buck! And if you're anything like me, don't worry about if you make to much, just add more water and store it in a little plastic baggie for future use. It has certainly helped with the oil control, reducing my pores and removing unsightly blackheads. I'll spare you the details on how this product works, feel free to consult the Aztec Secret website but this is definitely a gold mine of a product. Additionally the website features some great "recipes" for maximizing use of the clay - you can mix the powder with green tea for an antioxidant facial, add honey for a honey mask and you can use it with your pedicures for a clay foot mask. Invest $8 (or less I found great deals by googling Aztec Health) and welcome to the world of beautiful skin. How Radiant!!!