Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Folks, so after a few months, I am back to the future! I took some time off to research and get some new content to hit you all in a new way. The Inner Radiance Movement is in full swing with all new reviews, comments, trends etc. dedicated to all my ladies looking to develop their natural radiance from the inside out (with the occasional not-so-natural natural reviews!).

To get this party jumping, I start off on the topic of stress. Stress is an issue that affects us all, even though many of us may not realize it. If you're anything like me, you rarely have any true time for yourself, to diffuse and collect your thoughts, and whether we realize it or not that level of self-neglect, as unintentional it may be, builds up. Not to mention the cost of attending to oneself can definitely add up - definitely not on most recessionary budgets! So if you're overdue for some stress relief (and I know we all are) and trying to keep to a budget: Spa Week is just the answer to your prayers. For $50 you can indulge in the best and latest treatment from your favorite spa without all the guilt. From pomegranate body scrubs to 50 minute stress melters, Spa Week is definitely calling your name. For more information go to the official Spa Week website, enter your zip code and find out participating Spa locations near you. I must note, I am a little tardy in posting this so check this out quickly, Spa Week ends this Sunday 4/13/09! More Radiance coming your way...

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